Company Culture Vy Nguyen What are your company's long-term goals? VTech Company is committed to fostering a conducive workplace that nurtures creativity and productivity among employees. Through our innovative office design, we aim to create a comfortable environment where employees can thrive. We believe in recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance, and encouraging employees to excel. Our goal is to cultivate a culture where employees don't merely see VTech as a place to work but rather as a platform where their passions are embraced and their potential is realized. At VTech, the concept of "work overtime" is eliminated. We prioritize task-based assignments to ensure optimal productivity, allowing employees to log out on time without the need for unnecessary competition. By emphasizing specific tasks, we promote efficiency and a healthy work-life balance, ultimately benefiting both employees and the company. Furthermore, VTech values the well-being of its ...
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At first, we should know about is a term on the internet that describes websites with ending in .COM. It has been widely used on the Internet since 1995 and led to the outbreak.COM when organizations and individuals registered a large number of .COM domain names. From 1995 to 2001, the internet experienced an explosion called the .COM bubble( dotcom). A large number of companies invested money and stocks in internet companies until many of them went bankrupt. According to Web mergers, the reasons why many dotcoms have to close without trying to merge are: many dotcoms do not have an effective commercial testing model, have not built valuable assets such as strong, skilled human resources, proprietary arts, customers lists, intellectual property, trademarks, domain names, and other factors. Therefore, many dotcoms were waiting for more investment but investors withdrew so they had to close. However, the decline of dotcoms was only a small part of the entire Internet eco...
Shadrach White Visit
Shadrach White is the CEO and co-founder of CloudPWR with more than 20 years in the software industry. Had a chance to meet him, I found that he is a very confident person with the career he built. His company is the most successful out of all the guest speakers so far. CloudPWR was the frontier in cloud technology and is a pioneer in next-gen platform growth, business systems integration and LLC technology. From his great presentation, he demonstrated the logical way he manages his company. Unlike other website companies that provide what customers want. His company chooses to provide them what they need and that had a significant impact on the business that chose his company. Consequently, His reputation is raised as one of the most efficient solution sellers. I learn from him how to maintain and lead a company in an effective way, the leadership of how to connect people in the company and create a comfortable in the company. He stated that the working environment is very important f...
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