
The film recreates the ups and downs of the internet venture company, founded by two high school buddies, Tom Herman and Kaleil Isaza Tuzman. The film is a really engaging business story. From the number zero, the company has risen and earned $ 50 million in less than a year. But had to struggle with other heavyweight competitors and the challenges faced when Herman's creativity clashed with Tuzman's rigid business knowledge. The start-up career of 2 young men finally ended and was acquired by a bigger company after 2 years of existence. Another mirror of entrepreneurship is, '' is a 2001 American documentary, directed and written by Jehane Noujaim, distributed by Artisan Entertainment.

Director Noujaim is a roommate with Tuzman. When she saw her friend in a fierce spirit, leaving a lucrative position at Goldman Sachs bank to start a business, she came up with the idea of ​​filming a movie and going into the life and activities of a startup. The film gives viewers a genuine insight into the growth and dive of the bubble startup. At the same time, the lessons still brought the original message of the value and still can apply to the new business generation nowadays. The most important lesson in the movie is to solve problems before it's too late. A common mistake made by business executives is to deny the truth when the company is in trouble. Herman adds one more mistake: the company tries to grow so fast that it doesn't focus on the core developmental focus.






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