Brian Forth Visit

Brian Forth is the first guest speaker I have in this quarter. He described that he has been in the web development business since 1995 and is the founder of SiteCrafting while he was still in St. Charles Borromeo School in Tacoma. Before he creates SiteCrafting he spent years working for other companies. The experience of working for many web development companies help him generate a lot of experience in the industry. In 1998, When he is confident enough in his skill and knowledge of the web industry. He founded his own company named SiteCrafting and has been the president of it until now.SiteCrafting's mission is to help any individual or group's idea to be nicely organized in a web form. Forth company started right in the time of the explosion of internet. During the time the internet business is still new and prospecting. Being in on the beginner in this business, the company develops rapidly and draw all the potential customers in the area before anyone else. In general, SiteCrafting has created websites for thousands of people in W.A and for hundreds of people out of state. The business often hosts a small party every quarter for local clients and partners to connect. Also for individuals and organizations who are interested in their services to ask them questions in an informal atmosphere. Forth is an inspiration for many people in the internet industry. Forth is a mirror for any young web designer of "Succes only comes to those who dare to attempt."(Mallika Tripathi)


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