Erik Hanberg Visit

Erik Hanberg is a warmhearted multi-talented person. I first met him in my entrepreneurship class at Washington State University. That day he is the guest speaker of our class and he had a speech about how to raise money and marketing strategies. His presentation made me think more about making a business and the way it will grow up in the future. During the speech, I already know that he is a good speaker with the presentation skill, the way he communicates and his eye contact. Digging a bit about him on Google, I found that he is the author of three books: The Little Book of Gold, The Little Book of Likes, and The Little Book of Boards for the non-profit organization to raise capital. He is also a director that explains the performing skills and audience control during his speech. Although, he gave out a lot of incredibly brilliant marketing tactics. But I would like to state the tactic that I found most interesting. It is called a high expectations. For instance, there is a commerce guy that knocked at your door. When you open the door he tries to sell you watches for $200. Obviously, that is pricey and you are not gonna purchase that product. Then day 2, day 3 and day 4 the same thing happens but now inside you gonna feel a bit guilty because you have denied him many times. On day 5 it is still him but this time he is selling a chocolate bar for only $10. This time there is a high chance that you gonna purchase the book. The lesson from this one is that when you give someone a high expectation then you reduce the expectation. That person will be more likely to attend the lower expectation. 


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