Shadrach White Visit

Shadrach White is the CEO and co-founder of CloudPWR with more than 20 years in the software industry. Had a chance to meet him, I found that he is a very confident person with the career he built. His company is the most successful out of all the guest speakers so far. CloudPWR was the frontier in cloud technology and is a pioneer in next-gen platform growth, business systems integration and LLC technology. From his great presentation, he demonstrated the logical way he manages his company. Unlike other website companies that provide what customers want. His company chooses to provide them what they need and that had a significant impact on the business that chose his company. Consequently, His reputation is raised as one of the most efficient solution sellers. I learn from him how to maintain and lead a company in an effective way, the leadership of how to connect people in the company and create a comfortable in the company. He stated that the working environment is very important for the efficiency and growth of the company. To be honest, he is the most inspiring guest speaker so far with a lot of impact on my mindset and broadens my views.  He also inspires me more about the technology world with his knowledge and provides me the best experience he has collected in his 20 years of experience in the software industry. I am very thankful to have a chance to meet such a great person, not only give us the best presentation by also put the enthusiasm to the way he delivers the message to me.


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