Stephanie McKenzie Visit

The moment I saw Stephanie in my entrepreneurship class, I have a sense of familiarity that I have seen this face before. Recalling for a moment, I notice she is the person that owns that the Metro coffee shop at my UW campus. One of her struggles starting up is the financing phase. She also received financial assistance from her parents, which apparently ended quite badly and damaged her relationship, which, as described by John Dimmer, can be a side effect of getting financial support from friends and family for your business. The problem is has happened the same to me when I financing from my friends and family for my resale business. When you and your close one have anything related to money If there is any uncomfortable, the relationship will likely turn bad easier. Personally, I think Stephanie is an amazing person that gives me the energy and the enthusiasm when she has the presentation. She guide me through the presentation and teach me how to have good financing before opening a store. Throughout her presentation, I cannot stop thinking about my store and the business that I will have in the future. Will I succeed like her? Can I manage the employee like her? I think before open the store, I need to take serious research more about the place where I open the store and visit more the presentation of the entrepreneur who likes Stephanie for example.


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