Vnguyen_Company Culture


Blog Post 1: Company Culture

VTech Company will create a comfortable workplace for employees to have the opportunity to unleash their creativity and work effectively. Employees will be classified into levels and receive additional training courses to stay updated with the latest trends. In addition, supervisors will rotate employees between teams and departments for some time to learn and expand their expertise. There will be employee training programs at all levels, enhancing members of the organization in terms of work and professional skills. Through the coalition, Vtech employees can collaborate through different teams and projects, which will gain the trust of each other and learn to work together. 

The above strategies will help Vtech employees to have a chance to collaborate through different teams and projects, which will gain the trust of each other and learn to work together. In the case of assigning work to each department or personnel, there will be no more constant urges or reminders because the manager knows each person's strengths and weaknesses, so he knows what every person is capable of. Moreover, knowing subordinates' possibility help manager control and facilitate them better in dividing team and assigning tasks. For the management level, Vtech also opens many leadership training courses with Vtech's management team in other countries, proactively promoting employees to higher levels instead of recruiting personnel from outside to hold positions. Management mind. At the same time, Vtech creates competitive benefits to improve attitudes and become a driving force for employees to strive and develop themselves ideally. Vtech’s culture does not depend on departments or organizational structures but develops based on the employees themselves. Therefore, Vtech always focuses on the talent retention policy. Train them, help them so they can go anywhere. But respect and treat them well, so they don't want to go anywhere.

In addition, Vtech also creates a comfortable and friendly working environment with many perks for employees, like after-hours activities such as Yoga classes, football clubs, badminton, boardgame events, marathons, etc. Vtech believes that if employees are a balanced work-life balance, they will stay longer with the organization.


Khám Phá Văn Hóa Doanh Nghiệp đặc Trưng Của 5 \"ông lớn\" trong Ngành Thương mại điện tử và Công Nghệ. GapoWork. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2022, from 

Văn Hoá Doanh Nghiệp LÀ GÌ? 10 ví DỤ Xây Dựng Văn Hóa công Ty Thành ... (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2022, from 


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